Get to know International Scholar Oskar Elek

October 14, 2019

Hailing from Slovakia/Czechia, Oskar Elek earned his degree in computer science with equal emphasis on the ‘computer’ and ‘science’ aspects.

Elek's field of research, visual computing, involves looking at how computers can help generate images, design physical objects with 3D printers, visualize data from different walks of life, and explain what we see around us.

"The core of my work is designing novel algorithms, especially those that deal with visual information. The objective is to save computational resources and users' time, so that experts -- engineers, designers, and artists -- can focus their energy on creative things. And it doesn't end there: computers have a huge potential to reveal to us knowledge that we are unaware of -- our blind spots, in other words. All this really is at the heart of Computer Science: enhancing and complementing what people can do, rather than taking it over. The current AI rush of mindlessly automating everything might suggest otherwise, but this is at least what I believe." Elek said

You can read the complete profile at the Global Engagement news website.