Call for Applications: UC Santa Cruz Campus Fellow Award 2020-2021

The UC Santa Cruz Campus Fellow Award recognizes outstanding graduate students with research & service projects that will positively impact our community.

July 16, 2020


The Chancellor's Office is proud to announce The UC Santa Cruz Campus Fellow Award for 2020-2021. Formerly the Chancellor's Graduate Internship, the Campus Fellow Award (CFA) recognizes outstanding graduate students with research and service projects which will positively impact UCSC and our community. The award also provides professional development and mentorship opportunities for graduate fellows through campus service.

The CFA provides twelve months of support (Fall, Winter, Spring 2020-21, including funding (at the typical 49.99% level), CA tuition, GSHIP, plus support at the 75% level in the Summer of 2021) for doctoral and MFA students to conduct proposed projects that advance university goals, such as: 

  • persistence, graduation, diversity, and placement opportunities; 
  • campus environmental and sustainability improvement; 
  • campus-community relations; 
  • entrepreneurship and innovation for social good; 
  • or other areas of UCSC-related community and public impact. 

Projects should aim to have a significant positive impact on the campus, immediately or over the longer term.

Successful CFA recipients will commit to serve on a Chancellor’s Graduate Advisory Board, and engage in a professional service component of their internship that may be related to their research or professional interests. 

Projects should relate broadly to the student’s research or professional goals. The proposal, including funding commitment, is due Monday, August 10, 2020, at 5 PM. Decisions on funded projects will be expected by August 24, 2020. 

  • Each project must have a faculty mentor who may or may not be the student’s PhD advisor. 
  • Each student will take part in a Spring quarter CFA lunch meeting to report progress and receive feedback. 
  • Each student is obligated to present CFA-related work in the Winter Quarter Grad Slam or the Spring Quarter Graduate Research Symposium. 
  • Each recipient is required to serve on a Graduate Advisory Board for the UCSC Chancellor’s Office. 

During the fall quarter, each student will partner with a campus office or program to develop a service project to be carried out in the winter/spring quarters related to the student’s research or professional interests. The description of the service project, expected outcomes and a letter of support from the student’s service mentor will be submitted to the Graduate Division no later than November 15.

Each student will produce a final report on their research and service projects, due June 1, 2021. 

CFA recipients are also strongly encouraged, if space is available, to take part in the Graduate Leadership Certificate Program, for which applications are likely to be solicited in Fall 2020 and which will be conducted in Winter 2021. 

Full details about the Campus Fellows Award are available in this PDF