Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE)

Mission Statement


Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) at UC Santa Cruz is an organization run by graduate students, which welcomes the participation of undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, staff, and professionals in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. The overarching goal of WiSE is to advance women in the STEM fields both in percentage and position, in the face of historical, present, and future challenges. To achieve this goal, WiSE uses a strategy of recruitment and retention: we seek to increase the participation of women in the STEM fields, as well as to enable the advancement and success of women in these fields. WiSE encourages its members to engage in mentorship, networking, and outreach, as well as seminars and discussions to further learning. This enables members to interact with each other as well as the community at large and fosters the dynamic of reciprocity and support for the members of WiSE.

WiSE acknowledges the support and guidance from the following sponsors:

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