Prepare to Teach

New TAs are required to take Teaching as an Ethical Practice (“TA Ethics”) in Canvas (see below) the quarter of their first teaching assistantship. TA Ethics covers professional ethics for the teaching assistant role with special attention to educational equity and accessibility. To be added to the course as a new TA, contact your staff Graduate Representative.

Ethics in College Teaching

In addition to taking the mandatory TA Ethics course in Canvas, we recommend this article, which discusses the responsibilities and joys of teaching and is derived from the excellent book by Wilbert McKeachie, Teaching Tips: Strategies, Research and Theory for College and University Teachers.

Responsibilities and Expectations

Review this list with the instructor of record before the first day of class. This list includes tips for the first day and strategies for office hours.

Scheduling Office Hours

A free tool that enables students to sign up for office hours is wejoinin. Here’s an example of a schedule.

Creating a Good Learning Environment

American Classroom Culture

Particularly helpful for international graduate students

Tips for Memorizing Names

Learning students’ names is important and sometimes hard to do. Calling students by name will help you manage class dynamics and help students feel good about the class.

Canvas, the Learning Management System

Learning Technology, Classroom Media

Ten Tips for First-Timers